What you need to know about altitude training ⛰📈

Altitude training is a practice that is gaining more and more followers every day. The mechanics seem simple: Train at an altitude between 1,500 and 2,500 meters. In this way, the body is forced to work with lower oxygen levels.

In this altitude range, our body undergoes physiological changes. The amount of red blood cells increases exponentially, along with the amount of hemoglobin available to carry oxygen from the lungs to the muscles. But it's all much more complex than it seems at first glance, since altitude training done incorrectly can lead to a worse state than the one we were in before.

There is credible evidence that the body responds to low oxygen levels with other adaptations that have nothing to do with the level of hemoglobin or red blood cells. Muscles increase their absorption capacity, which means they are better prepared for the sudden changes in acid-base balance that occur during intense exercise.

According to experts, to reap the benefits of hypoxia, the competition should be done a few days later, or alternatively, wait two to three weeks. It's not an exact formula, as the body undergoes a series of neuromuscular changes that affect each runner differently, from the gradual breakdown of red blood cells to the readjustment of breathing patterns with oxygen-rich air. IT IS That's why whenever we want to do exercises of this type or train in a more serious way, we must always put ourselves in the hands of professionals who know how to guide our preparation and interpret the data it provides.

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