Francisco Rafael

Francisco Rafael / 42 years old / Portugal

"I've been doing sports every day since I was 9 years old. I started playing basketball at that age and played until I was 25.
Sport is part of me and I have always had the routine of going to the gym every day. Challenged by a friend, 2 years ago, I went for a 10km race, I really enjoyed the experience and continued. I was challenged by my wife, Sofia, who asked me: "And why not an Iron Man?" Addicted to new challenges I started my "Ironx" project. On the 24th of October, I'm going to do my first test in Cascais, in a year when I was also a father for the first time. The project involves taking the Iron Man test until the age of 50, then… you can see it soon. The whole process has been very challenging and as I say: "it's not enough to seem, we have to be". And I love to outdo myself."

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